If you’re in need of a water pump, consider the quality and durability of a Davis and Shirtliff pump. The company has many locations and branches throughout Kenya. The company supplies a variety of brands, including several premium brands. You’ll be spending more money if you want to buy the top quality pumps, but you will also be getting a higher-quality product. If you don’t need a pump right away, consider the cost of a less-known brand.
As one of the largest suppliers of water and sanitation equipment in East Africa, Davis & Shirtliff has been in business for nearly 60 years. The company’s business activities focus on seven primary product categories, including water treatment and distribution. The company’s headquarters in Kenya has extensive manufacturing and warehousing facilities, and it maintains a fleet of trucks to deliver products to customers. Its products are available at over 500 outlets across the continent, including Zambia, Malawi, and stylishster.